

After placing an order you will get a confirmation email that confirms your order and payment. Please let us know by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible if you notice anything wrong with this order in the confirmation email. After your order has been fulfilled and shipped you will receive a second email with your tracking information. Most orders ship within 72 hours of the order being placed. You can also view all of your orders on the Orders page on your account to view the status of your order.


Most orders placed with Flash Fashion ship within 72 hours unless an item is on backorder or preorder. You will be sent an email once your order has shipped with tracking information. You can find out the status of your order by going to the Orders page when logged in to your account.


Yes! Our blacklight reactive makeup glows extremely bright when under UV light, and retains its bright pigment under normal lights as well – just without the glow. Try it out, a free blacklight comes with every order so you can see for yourself!

Ambassador Program

We will be creating our Ambassador program soon! Stay tuned for more information. Follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss the announcement!

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